Chiropractic adjustment, also known as chiropractic manipulation, is the application of a sudden but controlled force that is used to target a specific joint to help improve joint function.
- non-invasive, alternative approach to pain relief
- increased range of motion
- targets the cause of the condition rather than treating the pain symptoms
- stimulate the nervous system and improve it's function
- can be used simulatiously with other types of care
- reduce stress
There are multiple chiropractic techniques that a DC (doctor of chiropractic) can use to adjust the patient and restore joint function. Some common techniques used in this office include:
- Diversified
- Activator
- Drop-table
- Flexion-distraction table
- McKenzie method
- SOT/Pelvic blocks
At this office, we like to evaluate the patient first to see what the best technique is to treat their symptoms and restore proper joint function.